The Legend of Zelda, originally released in Japan as The Hyrule Fantasy: Zelda no Densetsu, is an action-adventure game developed and published by Nintendo. The first game of The Legend of Zelda series, it is set in the fantasy land of Hyrule and centers on an elf-like boy named Link, who aims to collect the eight fragments of the Triforce of Wisdom in order to rescue Princess Zelda from Ganon. https://beatriceamundsson.com/triathlon-pa-sjohistoriska/ The player controls Link from a top-down perspective and navigates throughout the overworld and dungeons, collecting weapons, defeating enemies and uncovering secrets along the way.
After completing the game, the player has access to a more difficult quest, officially referred to as the Second Quest, where Dungeons and the placement of items are different, with stronger enemies. Although a more difficult “replay” wasn’t actually unique to The Legend of Zelda as earlier media already used this concept including Nintendo’s own Super Mario Bros., few games offered a “second quest” with entirely different levels to complete. Interestingly, entering “ZELDA” as the player’s name starts the Second Quest immediately. The Second Quest can be replayed each time it is completed.
Unlike most Overworlds in The Legend of Zelda series, this incarnation of Hyrule is completely explorable from the beginning, meaning that Link can go to almost any corner and space of it, with a total absence of linearity (Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom closely repeats this game’s feature). It should be noted that the overworld remains largely unchanged in the Second Quest, with the only changes being the locations of the labyrinths and of special prizes.
A live-action television series had been in development around 2015, as reported from an anonymous Netflix employee to The Wall Street Journal. The program was a joint effort between Netflix and Nintendo, and was said to be aimed as a family-friendly version of Game of Thrones. Further details of this series went sparse until 2021 when Adam Conover gave an interview regarding his College Humor period. There, the College Humor team had been planning a skit that would have combined Star Fox with Fantastic Mr. Fox and had even had talked to Miyamoto on the project. Conover said that they were told about a month into the project that Nintendo had requested they stop all work on the project as a result of the leak related to the live-action Zelda show; Nintendo, already protective of its IP, had pulled many external projects including the live-action show.
The Legend of Zelda · The Adventure of Link · A Link to the Past (& Four Swords) · Link’s Awakening (DX; Nintendo Switch) · Ocarina of Time (Master Quest; 3D) · Majora’s Mask (3D) · Oracle of Ages · Oracle of Seasons · Four Swords (Anniversary Edition) · The Wind Waker (HD) · Four Swords Adventures · The Minish Cap · Twilight Princess (HD) · Phantom Hourglass · Spirit Tracks · Skyward Sword (HD) · A Link Between Worlds · Tri Force Heroes · Breath of the Wild · Tears of the Kingdom · Echoes of Wisdom
Förkortningar i spelvärlden
A player reaches the endgame when they are at the climax of story progression and everything present on the main game is already unlocked and available. This is the point of a game where the whole map is already open for exploration, all the collectibles can be grabbed, and the player reaches a power level that can be considered final All you have to do is face the final boss and go for the last collectibles, should you be a completionist. There’s also a phase of the game known as post-game in which new challenges are added after the main story, specially tailored for players who are already at the peak of their power. For instance, in Monster Hunter World, the post-game starts once the player gains access to the Guiding Lands.
These are some of the most-used gaming terms that you may or may not have heard of. Our gaming glossary will help make you a better gamer, and check out our broadband for gaming hub for more tips on what you can do to up your game.
Simple tactics that are difficult to beat by all but the most experienced players. These aren’t the most honourable ways to win a match and can be pretty mean-spirited. Tragically, this makes them pretty fun when you’re the one doing them.
A player reaches the endgame when they are at the climax of story progression and everything present on the main game is already unlocked and available. This is the point of a game where the whole map is already open for exploration, all the collectibles can be grabbed, and the player reaches a power level that can be considered final All you have to do is face the final boss and go for the last collectibles, should you be a completionist. There’s also a phase of the game known as post-game in which new challenges are added after the main story, specially tailored for players who are already at the peak of their power. For instance, in Monster Hunter World, the post-game starts once the player gains access to the Guiding Lands.
These are some of the most-used gaming terms that you may or may not have heard of. Our gaming glossary will help make you a better gamer, and check out our broadband for gaming hub for more tips on what you can do to up your game.
Gamingfamiljen i umeå vill få in fler föräldrar i spelvärlden
I två dagar anordnas speleventet Consolidate i Mässhallarna i Vimmerby. På bilden Daniel Johansson och Olle Palmér, fritidsledare på Fabriken, Amanda Lundberg från Teknikcollege, Andreas Westberg och Zabina Svensson från Conosolidate och Anders Degerman, folkhälsosamordnare Vimmerby kommun. Foto: Johanna Karlsson
Mässhallarna kommer under två dagar att fyllas av alla möjliga sorters spel – allt från brädspel, rollspel och spel via pc och konsoler. På bilden Anders Degerman, folkhälsosamordnare, Olle Palmér, fritidsledare, Zabina Svensson och Andreas Westman från Consolidate samt Amanda Lundborg från Teknikcollege. Foto: Johanna Karlsson
Magnus Stenbenke och Aengeln Englund i Växjö har startat Gamingpodden till föräldrar. Den vänder sig till föräldrar som har barn med spelintresse. Podden startade i slutet av oktober och hittills har det kommit ut fyra avsnitt.
I två dagar anordnas speleventet Consolidate i Mässhallarna i Vimmerby. På bilden Daniel Johansson och Olle Palmér, fritidsledare på Fabriken, Amanda Lundberg från Teknikcollege, Andreas Westberg och Zabina Svensson från Conosolidate och Anders Degerman, folkhälsosamordnare Vimmerby kommun. Foto: Johanna Karlsson
Mässhallarna kommer under två dagar att fyllas av alla möjliga sorters spel – allt från brädspel, rollspel och spel via pc och konsoler. På bilden Anders Degerman, folkhälsosamordnare, Olle Palmér, fritidsledare, Zabina Svensson och Andreas Westman från Consolidate samt Amanda Lundborg från Teknikcollege. Foto: Johanna Karlsson
Magnus Stenbenke och Aengeln Englund i Växjö har startat Gamingpodden till föräldrar. Den vänder sig till föräldrar som har barn med spelintresse. Podden startade i slutet av oktober och hittills har det kommit ut fyra avsnitt.